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How Can You Prevent Damage to Your Tree Roots?

nature forest moss leaves roots

One of the most commonly asked questions regarding trees is how to prevent your tree’s roots being damaged and what is the best way to manage them. Below are some of the most common tips we give to tree-owners on how to care for the roots and surrounding grounds.

Plan Before You Plant

Trees are tough plants and their roots fight back against man-made obstacles surrounding them. In urban areas, tree roots are often forced to grow between buildings and under driveways and pavements. As they grow, the tree roots can potentially cause damage to properties by breaking walls and pipes so when planting trees, it’s best to keep in mind that depending on how tall the tree will grow, the further away from any buildings or pavements it needs to be. Medium to large trees should ideally be planted at least 10 feet from any buildings or other structures.

  • Small trees can reach 20 feet at maturity.
  • Medium trees can reach between 20 to 40 feet at maturity.
  • Large trees are 40+ feet at maturity.

Trees should be planted at least 2 feet away from any structures regardless of how big the tree will grow. However, to minimise damage to any structures then trees should be allowed at least 8 feet to grow.

How to Fix the Problem?

Some people deal with intrusive tree roots by grinding them down or removing them but this can be expensive and cause serious lasting damage to the tree. If you injure a tree’s roots then it creates a point of entry for bacteria, leaving it vulnerable to diseases.

Also, if you cut the major roots of a tree then it vastly reduces the tree’s ability to take in water nutrients, making it more susceptible to drought. Removing these roots also weakens the tree’s structural support meaning that it is more likely to pose a risk of falling over in high winds. So, if you are planning on dealing with a tree that’s causing you problems then just keep these tips in mind:

  • Avoid cutting any roots that are over 2 inches in diameter
  • Remember roots recover a lot better from being severed when you cut them cleanly with a saw, mulch and water them after pruning, then fertilise them in Spring

How Can You Avoid Damaging Your Tree When Planting?

Make sure you’re planting your trees at good enough depths as you’ll find that surface roots are extremely common in trees that weren’t planted deep enough, which are obviously not healthy for the trees or their surrounding areas.

These surface roots become even more noticeable when the trees have been planted close to a pavement or a driveway. The roots will start to lift the pavement, resulting in an uneven surface which will present a safety risk to the general public and yourselves. Surface roots are also vulnerable to potential freeze damage during the winter so make sure you avoid encouraging surface roots to rise.

If you do have a tree with surface roots, then the best way to avoid damaging them with a lawnmower or with trimmers is to lightly mulch between the roots.

Deciding What to Plant

When deciding what trees to plant, (you can use our website for ideas on types of trees that may be suitable for you) you need to consider which trees will cause minimal damage. Since the health of trees is put at risk when their roots are severed or damaged, anything you can do to reduce the damage that will be potentially be caused by your tree to surrounding areas will also benefit the tree.

In areas that are within 5 to 7 feet of a pavement or another structure, you should only plant trees that grow to a maximum height of 30 metres. You should also only plant trees that grow to a maximum height of 50 metres in areas that are within 7 to 10 feet of a pavement or structure. Also, before you plant, you should check for any overhead lines and decide where to plant accordingly so as to leave enough room for the tree to grow to maximum height.

The Telegraph have a great list of what trees are best for smaller gardens right here.

Get in Touch

If you need more advice on to how to prevent damage to your tree roots or what trees would be most suitable for you then get in touch with our team on 0161 456 0989 or 01625 850 320.

When Is A Tree Considered Dangerous?

Leaf spring leaves tree bark

Tree removal of dangerous trees is a popular service of ours in the Manchester and surrounding areas. If you want to know when a tree is considered dangerous, read our blog below and stay safe with your trees.

In most cases, a tree isn’t actually dangerous at all as it can just be growing in an odd shape or be a different form of species you’re not so sure of. The best way to find out if your tree is dangerous is to contact our professional and experienced arboriculturists here on 0161 456 0989 or just take a look at some of the tell-tale signs below.

Minor Damages are Common

As trees are out in all weathers and are often home to lots of different animals and species, there is bound to be some minor damage at some point in its lifetime. The minor damage to keep an eye on can be dead wood from animals habits, damage from fungal infections and weather damage.

As it is common for squirrels to strip away the bark to nest and feed, this will not effect the overall health of the tree so don’t worry!

Cracking Branches or Trunks

If your tree has significant cracks in the trunk or on the branches, it can be a sign that your tree isn’t as healthy as first hoped. Some cracks often appear due to the change in seasons and temperatures or if they have a thin bark naturally that can be susceptible to damage over time.

One of the reasons that cracks are appearing could be due to past poor care of the tree or lack of care over time and also if any work has been carried out in the surrounding areas. If there has been construction work or landscaping in the surrounding areas to your trees, this will have a detrimental effect on the growth and health of the tree and the roots in the ground. A cracked bark can indicate a number of internal issues that need to be addressed before classing your tree as dangerous in its surroundings.

Raised Soil or Cracked Base

Trees use their surroundings for growth and health so if the soil around the base of your tree is damaged, cracked or raised, this will indicate the overall health of the tree’s roots and structure. Raised soil shows that the roots below are not grounded well enough to make the tree stable or safe, resulting in a dangerous tree situation. Although the roots don’t need to grow down deep into the soil, they do need to be able to spread just below the surface to get the most nutrients possible, so if your ground is raised and dry, the roots will suffer massively.

Don’t forget that your tree will get most of its nutrients from the base so if the base is in poor quality, your tree will be too.

Tree Surgeon Consultation

When you contact our team to check out a problem tree there are certain criteria we will check before making the decision if your tree is dangerous or not. We first check out the whole tree environment as to where it is growing, how it is growing and what surroundings they have to get nutrients from or not. Then we will look at the ground area around the tree, the health of the flooring and the materials in the base of the trunk which can effect health, growth and stability.

Another specific area we check for damage is the trunk of the tree and the bark surrounding it. If the natural cavities grow too large for the trunk to hold, they will often burst and will result in instability and broken branches at a later date, leading on to the final area we check, the branches and leaves. If your tree isn’t growing properly, the canopy and the leaf growth is the first area to inspect as this will indicate poor health in the whole tree and a danger for later faults in the structure.

Get in Touch

If you are concerned about a dangerous tree or a potentially damaged tree get in touch with our team today on 0161 456 0989 or 01625 850 320. We take care of all trees, no matter what size or where they are, so give our team a call today and take care of your greenery professionally.

Top 5 Tree Surgery Services

Top 5 Tree Surgery Services Leaflet

Find out the top 5 tree surgery services here with our professional team in Manchester and call us to arrange anything you need.

Treework Arboricultural Services in the Manchester and surrounding areas can provide you with the necessary top tree surgery services you need to keep on top of your garden area. Whether you have domesticated trees needing attention or growth at a corporate property, you can count on our team to deliver what you need and more.

Tree Felling

When it comes to tree felling, our team are the experts. The art of tree felling is the complete downing of a tree with the removal of each section at a time. If you are wanting to totally remove a tree due to lack of space or if the tree has been damaged, then felling can often be your only option.

In order to safely remove the tree, our experts will work all year round in order to make sure your surrounding trees and properties are safe. Using the latest machinery and making sure there are no habiting animals in the tree first, we carefully remove each section of your tree at a time to take away as little or as much needed.

Get in touch for more information about Tree Felling.

Hedge Trimming

In order to keep your hedges in great condition all year round, they need to be well maintained and pruned on a regular basis. As well as keeping your hedges neat, regular maintenance will encourage your hedges for a bushy growth and to stay healthy.

If your hedges are overgrown and blocking public passages, you will need to keep on top of these in order to avoid potential complaints from the public and your local council. As well as keeping on top of your garden’s appearance

Stump Removal

If you have had a tree removed at some point or you have just moved to a new property to discover a stump still in the ground, you may need stump removal services pronto. Any stumps that are left behind when a tree is removed can be a danger to passers-by, can harbour diseases and can stunt the growth of anything in the surrounding areas.

As well as removal, our team have the machinery and experience to grind a stump away which is also environmentally friendly. It is completely up to you which service you choose, but either way, we ensure that there is no damage to surrounding growth or your landscape where possible.

Get in touch with our team to arrange stump removal in your area.

Tree Planting

Planting trees properly is so important if you are wanting to make sure your trees grow healthy and strong. Whether you are wanting to plant new trees to improve your garden’s aesthetics or if you are wanting more privacy in certain areas, getting healthy trees planted professionally is your best answer.

Trees come in various species and all have different needs when you are planting them. Choose from bare root trees, root balled trees and container growth trees with our team and make sure that you are getting the right trees for your landscape.

Site Vegetation Clearance

Take back control of your land and get site vegetation clearance you can count on. With the ability to clear valuable space, remove diseased trees and repair damaged vegetation, our team can help you create the perfect landscape you are looking for.

Put your trust in our team to create an arable land that is fit for multi-purpose use. You won’t be left with tangled roots or stumps as we remove everything leaving you with flat, usable land right away. To find out more or to get a quote in your area, call us on 0161 456 0989.

Get in Touch

Get in touch with our team to find out more about all of the above services and more. We stop at nothing to make sure your garden area, trees and growth are all cared for all year round as they should be. Call us today on 0161 456 0989 or 01625 850 320.